cage-free Archives - The Community Cats Podcast


May 13, 2017

Interview! Susan Linker, Co-founder of Our Companions Animal Rescue

“We’ve come a long way with spay and neuter in our area.” Susan is the co-founder of Our Companions Animal Rescue, a forty-three acre sanctuary in Ashford, CT. A non-profit organization with 400 volunteers, 2,500 donors and plans to double in size, Our Companions Animal Rescue prioritizes creating a low-stress […]
June 10, 2017

Interview! Elizabeth Feldhausen, Founder of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary, Green Bay, WI

“You would think that there would be nose prints all over the windows, but it’s actually people face prints! Everybody that walks by presses their face up against the glass, and the cats love it.” Elizabeth Feldhausen is the founder of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary in Green Bay, WI, a […]
May 13, 2017

Interview! Susan Linker, Co-founder of Our Companions Animal Rescue

“We’ve come a long way with spay and neuter in our area.” Susan is the co-founder of Our Companions Animal Rescue, a forty-three acre sanctuary in Ashford, CT. A non-profit organization with 400 volunteers, 2,500 donors and plans to double in size, Our Companions Animal Rescue prioritizes creating a low-stress […]
June 10, 2017

Interview! Elizabeth Feldhausen, Founder of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary, Green Bay, WI

“You would think that there would be nose prints all over the windows, but it’s actually people face prints! Everybody that walks by presses their face up against the glass, and the cats love it.” Elizabeth Feldhausen is the founder of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary in Green Bay, WI, a […]
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